Today, Autism Awareness Day will help kick off World Autism Month. In 2007, the United Nations was able to get this day passed and adopted, to help improve human rights. Now, every April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day.
Autism Awareness Day encourages individual autism organizations around the world to help aid in autism research, and help spread awareness. Overall, it’s important that more people become aware of autism as part of this day.
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate. Throughout the United States, more than 200,000 people are affected, with no cure for the disorder. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in 59 children is affected by autism. This disability lasts with a person throughout the rest of their life.
What events take place for Autism Awareness Day?
Throughout the world, there are many events to help spread awareness of autism. You will see radio and television interviews, panels with autism experts, and you can even see artists with autism create artwork.
Many events take place on Autism Awareness Day, all with an educational purpose. Whether it be learning specifically about autism, or seeing the capabilities of people with autism. It’s a day to try to understand and learn more.
Each year, the United Nations holds a series of events with a theme at their headquarters in New York City. This year the theme is, “Assistive Technologies, Active Participation.”
People are going to interpret the theme differently, but the general consensus discusses technology that helps people complete their daily activities.
Today, there were events going on from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. throughout the day, where different moderators take the stage as they help inform others about autism.
A 22-year old student from the University of South Florida, Rachel Barcellona, will be speaking at the event. Barcellona’s dream is to be an actress in the future.
At the event, Barcellona intends to inspire those who attend. She wants people to know that autism doesn’t hold her back.
While the United Nations hosts their own event, they open the idea for others to help out too.
In 2010, Autism Speaks created the Light It Up Blue initiative. This allows people from around the world to get involved and help spread awareness. By reading up on the website, your charity can host events and use all the logos and flyers created by the organization.
With this initiative, it helps spread the word. The more blue colors and Autism ribbons that is visible on Autism Awareness Day, the better.
Sit Up for Autism Challenge
Of course, the sole purpose of all these events is to promote awareness. Well, this year there are some challenges to help spread awareness across social media.
In the summer of 2014, the Ice Bucket Challenge went viral throughout social media, to help promote awareness of ALS. People were spreading awareness through social media, and helping donate to help ALS research.
Well, Autism Speaks has started its challenge.
If someone challenges you, it’s your turn to post a video of you doing 11 sit-ups. When you post, like the ALS Challenge, you challenge your friends and family by tagging them on social media. For those who decline, they ask that you donate $11 to the Sit Up for Autism Challenge.
Every 11 minutes, a parent hears that their child has autism. That number has become iconic as part of this challenge, to help spread awareness.
The Impact of Awareness
If you don’t know about something, you can’t help. There are plenty of people that don’t know about autism. By making more people aware, more people will help donate towards autism research.
It’s important to continue researching to try to find a cure but to also help with treatments. One in 59 children in America has autism.
So, autism is very much in the community. It’s important to educate yourself, and those around you.
Every April 2nd should be a step forward in helping autism research and understanding those who have this disorder.