The neuromuscular diseases affect the nerves that control the voluntary muscles. The voluntary muscles are those that can be under control, as is the case with the arms and legs. Nerve cells, also called neurons, send messages that control those muscles. When neurons become sick or die, communication between the nervous system and the muscles is interrupted. As a result, muscles weaken. Weakness can lead to muscle spasms, cramps, pain, and joint and movement problems. Sometimes, it also affects heart function and ability to breathe.
Many neuromuscular diseases are genetic, which means there is a familial tendency or there is a change in the genes. Sometimes, this happens due to a disorder of the immune system. Most of them have no cure. The goal of treatment is to improve symptoms, increase mobility and extend the life span.
About us
Our mission is to ensure the delivery of the highest quality, most cost-effective services and equipment to clients in an effort to maximize independence, limit or prevent hospitalization, provide significant relief of symptoms, promote safety, and achieve the maximum potential of health. Continuing Performance Improvement activities will enable the provider to meet the needs, as well as the expectations of clients, their families, and the health care communities in which services we provide.
All services that we provide ensure quality and continuity of service to clients.
Our goal at Ability Medical Supply is to continually be at the forefront of the rehabilitation industry to provide the best quality of products that improve the daily lives of our customers.